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7 Steps to Weight Loss and Body Transformation:

By: Jason Grossman !!
Having worked one on one with over 3000 individuals over the past more than decade to achieve their weight loss and body transformation goals, I have had the great opportunity to discover the key fundamentals and not so secret, secrets to achieving fast effective weight loss/body transformation results with 100% accuracy using the following NEW 7 step principle.

With recently experiencing my own weight loss journey of losing 23kgs in 22 weeks (before and after photos coming very soon) using the below 7 Steps I personally understand what it is like to feel tired, overweight, lethargic, unhealthy and overall not truly happy with ourselves.
It is easy to look at someone else who is overweight and say to ourselves I would never let that happen to me, or how can they let that happen to them or begin to judge BUT at the end of the day we are ALL human and sometimes subordinate our own health to our kids, family, career, business or put other people and ‘things’ first neglecting our own health. This is exactly what I did recently putting the business before even my own health, but not anymore…
Can you really give something you do not have? If you don’t have money to give to charity you cannot, if you do not have knowledge you cannot give it and if you do not have ultimate happiness you cannot give it to your family, kids or important people in your life, and to be truly happy a balance of health, finances and relationships is vital.
If you are reading this and wanting to lose weight, transform your body or improve the health of your lifestyle in any way can I ask you a question?
What are the changes you wish to make EXACTLY, if it is to lose weight then how much, if it is to exercise more frequently or eat healthier in what way and how often specifically.
This brings us to Step 1. If I was to share with you the secret to my success and thousands more would you use it to Fast Track your results and live a happier more fulfilling life? Or at least just read on with an open mind to allow yourself to more easily absorb the following information keeping only what you want to?
Step 1)
Using awareness to create an action plan:
The first step in anything is awareness, you become aware of the fact that you may not be completely happy with something in your life and you become aware of where you are now and exactly where you want to be and by when. As you stop and think about that I would like to invite you to right now in your mind’s eye to simply answer the question of where you are now and where exactly you want to be and by when. Example I currently weigh 100kg and I want to be 80kg in 20 weeks (it is important to use specific dates and perhaps if you wish even place them somewhere like on your fridge where you see them daily.) If it isn’t a goal of weight on the scales you might choose something else like clothing size, body fat percentage etc..
Once you have this in your mind you can choose to write it down and then chunk it down to set targets. As in the example above the target would be to lose 1kg each week for 20 weeks to slender down to 80kg.
Once you have created this basic structure of where you are now where you want to be and by when, and have chunked it down to calculate your targets you can then also add into your plan over the time frame other goals you might have including exercise, nutrition, personal achievements and more. If you would like a simple action plan spreadsheet for this exercise please simply email me at
Step 2)
Take your Mental Vitamins:
Generally once someone makes the decision to take action to begin to lose weight what is the first thing they do? Usually they will join a gym, start running or exercise. It is great that you have chosen to take action and begin your journey but have you ever noticed how many people take this action and still fail? That is because exercise is the 3rd most important element on your body transformation journey. Even more important is your nutrition, we’ve all heard the saying abs are made in the kitchen and that nutrition is 70% or even 80% of our results but have you ever known someone that has had great Nutrition and exercised but still not achieved their results, perhaps even intimately?
The reason for this is the number 1 important factor in your results, what I refer to as Mental Vitamins, by focusing on your nutrition and your exercise (critical components to your success) without the right mental vitamins is like trying to cut at the leaves to up root a tree or weed. In order to remove the tree or weed we must cut at the roots which are nourishing the leaves. The roots stem from your own psychology and are the driving force that determines everything in your life you can control. Your unconscious thought patterns, your habits, your beliefs, your values and your conceptual filters (attitude, way of thinking etc..) are the core fundamentals of your Mental Vitamins. By determining which actions, habits, beliefs, values and toxic attitudes you have that up until now had been sabotaging your results you can begin to shift your psychology and your actions and therefore your results. Einstein said it best himself the definition of insanity is trying to achieve a different result by doing the same thing over and over.
These 3 elements are all critical as they all directly or indirectly impact hormone production which overall capsulates these 3 factors and ultimately determines your metabolism and mental/physical health.
As you read this further and think about it more deeply can I ask you a question?
Why is it so important to you that you achieve these results?
Once you have that answer in your mind’s eye I want to invite you to think about what that really means for you to achieve that result and as you look at your future self how does that enhance your life creating new opportunities of happiness for you and your loved ones?
Step 3)
Creating your Nutrition Plan and preparation:
Once you have begin to understand your own mind in more detail and begin to make the necessary shifts you can then start on creating new rituals and habits by creating a meal plan tailor made for your individual self and results. Once you have created this meal plan you can then organize to shop on a regular basis say once a week for the required food and then prepare your food on Sunday evening so your food for the whole week is ready. If you are not sure on what foods exactly you need to be eating or a meal plan simply contact me at for more info.
The key with your eating and food preparation habits is to turn your should’s into musts. “Well I should prepare my food on Sunday for the week or each evening for the next day but… “INTO; “I must prepare my food so I can have the energy I need to be successful tomorrow and achieve my goal weight because it will mean for me…”
As mentioned above as Mental vitamins and exercise, so too does what you consume determine the production of hormones within your body, so to better understand your own personal metabolism and hormone production if not already it might be a good idea to have some tests done on cortisol, leptin, thyroid, testosterone, oestrogen or any other levels that might not be at optimal levels for you to achieve your desired results then shape your nutrition accordingly.
Over all stick to lean cuts of meat no bones, skin or visible fat more white meats than red, (unless of course a vego or vegan) choose fresh salads and veg and berries if you want to be really strict reduce gluten, dairy and starchy food (but don’t eliminate) and avoid processed foods, take away, foods not straight from the ground besides meat and eggs and flavoured milk, soft drink, fruit juices and cordial.
Remember eating healthy is maintenance and eating to lose weight isn’t so a balanced healthy diet might not be sufficient for your individual needs however it is important to still keep it healthy.
Step 4)
Creating your exercise plan and executing:
Once you have started to work on your Mental Vitamins shifting your thoughts, attitude and habits then started on your new nutrition plan and preparation you can then create a progressive exercise plan that covers the time frame of your journey. As above it will take 20 weeks so 5 macro-cycles of 4 weeks would work great increasing the intensity of your workouts as you progress in each macro-cycle (4 weeks) to continue to shock and challenge the body. Commit yourself by joining a gym then getting a training partner or Personal Trainer and sticking to set times. This is the opportunity you have to grow by creating NEW rituals enhancing your lifestyle. Remember we are a product of our own habits so we must change our habits if we truly desire change.
If you are wondering where to start, you want to be exercising at least every other day though if you are serious about results I would suggest 5-6 x week 45minutes Plus with just one day off. This doesn’t mean you need to destroy yourself in the gym but walking alone will not be enough either. Also if you plan on training from home in my experience it very seldom works long term, even if you begin, the chances of longevity and sustainability are slim. Even I barely use my home equipment.
If you wish to find out more about having an exercise program tailor made specific for your results by myself personally simply email me on the address above.
Step 5)
Tracking your progress:
If you are serious about achieving your results and they truly are important to you then why do you think it is important to monitor your progress?
Exactly because how often do things go exactly to plan? Very rarely, BUT if for some reason we don’t achieve our goals, as above 1kg a week we can then look back at our food and training and with specificity pin point exactly where we went wrong and determine the exact changes we need to make to get back on track.
SO how do we effectively track our progress? There are 2 elements nutrition and exercise; you can also track your behaviour and habits based on your mental vitamins if you choose too.
To monitor your nutrition we use a software program called Nutrition Complete which allows you to enter your profile including measurements, and then it charts and graphs your progress. We also use Nutrition Complete to give you your own login, incorporating your meal plans, shopping lists and all recipes you might need, including calorie and macronutrient break down. You can then at the end of each day fill in your food for the day as a food diary.
With your exercise we usually use a Personal Training diary or even an exercise book will suffice writing in your exercise program in the back or printing then after each work out writing in your diary your sets, reps and cardio output.
You might be reading this and think wow so much effort.. But how bad do you want your results? You can choose to do none of this or all of it. This is simply a guaranteed formula to achieve your weight loss/transformation goals.
Tracking is also a great tool to look back and see where you really came from. Plus you can choose to have measurements, body fat percentage and before and after photos to really monitor even more closely.
Step 6)
Be kept accountable:
I like to think I am extremely disciplined when working towards a goal, but if I come home at the end of a day and I’m starving and I rush to the fridge and open the fridge door I look into the fridge and staring back at me is an open packet of Malteasers, I then look over my shoulder and no one’s around I’m going to eat one of those delicious balls of chocolaty goodness then I’m going to do what most humans would do and eat the whole packet.
So no matter how motivated, disciplined or focused you are, we all have ups and downs, so in these times its not only about positioning and not buying the Malteasers in the first place but having someone to answer to keeping us focused and keep your eye on the prize displacing resistance and making the hard days easier for you by having someone there to talk to guide you and support you, and on the good days celebrate with and brag to.
Having someone keep you accountable not only exponentially increases your chance of success through making you stick to the plan, it creates awareness and shifts in your behaviour by thinking about your food and exercise and knowing your accountability coach is going to see what your eating and see the exercise you did in your tracking.
Finally having a personal trainer, nutritionist, life coach, training buddy or online personal trainer keeping you accountable is not only like having a spotter guiding you to dig deep to push another rep, motivate you and keep you focused it also gives you access to someone who has already achieved what you want to achieve for themselves and/or others so you can learn from them and their success/mistakes.
You know there is two ways you can learn; from your own experiences or someone else’s, which one is faster? Someone else’s right!
So do you want faster or slower results?
Step 7)
Reward yourself:
So congratulations on making it this far you have started to take action towards all the above and you are starting to see and feel the positive changes. It is absolutely vital tor sustainability that you reward yourself for your achievements. You might be thinking well the weight loss is reward enough, and to some degree I agree. However imagine if you where to every time you hit a target reward yourself, the larger the achievement the larger the reward.
Example your goal is to lose 20kg in 20 weeks using 5 x macro-cycles of 4 weeks. You decide to weigh yourself every 4 weeks which means you have 4 smaller targets with one large target at the end. With your 4 small targets you decide that if you do achieve them you will reward yourself personally with a massage, facial, fishing trip, day spa etc… It will make the whole process more fun and desirable increasing your motivation and desire to achieve your goal.
This is a huge deal, this is your life and you only have one on this plane of existence, if you lose 20kgs you essentially add 20 years to your life (if you dont how long before you are dead and will you get to see your kids and grand kids grow?) this is cause to celebrate this is huge so when you reach your target a trip to Hawaii or something you have always wanted to do is a must it also creates positive anchors and collapses any negative anchors you had psychologically that where causing you up until now to hold onto the extra weight for protection or any other negative reason. If you do not collapse these anchors, this is where people lose weight then gain and yoyo back and forward. Using a rewards system like this is one of the BEST ways to avoid this and set NEW anchors for resourceful-ness and positive results.
When implemented with all the above steps and you stick to this complete process in its entirety surely you can see you destined to achieve true happiness and results.

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